This blog chronicles the miracles and struggles of our daughters, Emily and Olivia. Emily was born 15 weeks early and had many complications, but she continues to amaze us! Olivia, born in China with heart complications, is also beating the odds. She joined her forever family (us!) when she was four years old and has been doing wonderfully! UPDATE: We started homeschooling August 2009 :)
Bridge of Hope is now recruiting host families for a summer 2011 program for older orphans. For the first time, Chinese adoption authorities have agreed to send children, ages 6 to 9, from Chinese orphanages to visit US families for home stays of about three weeks in July and August. The program is open to families on the East Coast and in the Chicago area. Families in other areas will be considered on a case by case basis. Host families must meet program and country requirements, and have a current, completed homestudy by June 15.
Bridge of Hope will hold the following information sessions for prospective host families who'd like to learn more about our program and our children:
CONNECTICUT--Saturdays February 19, March 12
ILLINOIS--Date to be announced
MASSACHUSETTS--Saturday, February 12
LONG ISLAND, NY--Sundays February 6 and February 27
MID-HUDSON, NY--Sunday, February 13
NEW JERSEY/PENNSYLVANIA--Sundays, January 30, February 27
WASHINGTON DC AREA--Saturdays February 5 & March 5
For more information on these sessions and requirements for host families, please contact Bridge of Hope Director Patrice Gancie at301-587-4400, ext 207 or Application deadline for host families is March 15.
Linda Perilstein
Executive Director
Cradle of Hope Adoption Center